A simple cartoon of three different people talking to each other in a circle.

Segmentation Survey: Voice of the Customer/Workforce

The Challenge

Our industrial services client had been recently acquired following the launch of new customer-facing. The new CEO wanted to know how their situation had changed.

My Contribution

Following the survey designer’s departure, I cross-compared the experiences of employees and customers to improve loyalty.

The Methods

Key Driver Analysis: Multi-variate logistic regression comparing scores for Customer Experience, Tooling, and Culture against satisfaction, engagement, and Net Promoter Score.

Gap Analysis: Compared the customer ranking of service value against the reported desire for those services.

UX Benchmarking: Customers rated software in both Ease of Use and Usefulness

The Result

We found that:

  • Employees were concerned about customer service quality, but customers were much happier than anticipated
  • Customers most valued strong relationships with company personnel
  • The new software was poorly received, moving from the bottom quarter of the market to the absolute bottom due to customer apathy.
  • Employees felt empowered in their immediate jobs but didn’t feel included in the vision
    • Employees with the highest customer interaction were the most satisfied
    To focus on the client’s strengths, we provided a prioritized action plan to acknowledge how every role affects customer value and move from a technology-first approach to a relationship-oriented one.